Thursday, 18 August 2016

Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

The advancement of modern-day science has allowed pioneering of procedures that were previously unheard of and considered impossible to undertake.

Laser eye surgery is one such medical marvel that has been the result of research and practice beyond bounds. Laser eye surgery is a procedure used to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or astigmatism.

The post popular surgical procedure for correcting eye abnormalities is Lasik eye surgery. Lasik eye surgery is the most popular and famous type of laser eye surgery.

Lasik eye surgery involves creating a thin flap in the cornea using either a blade or a laser. The surgeon folds back the flap, then removes some corneal tissue which is present underneath using a powerful laser. The flap is then laid back in place, covering the area where the corneal tissue was removed.

The idea of Lasik eye surgery for nearsighted patients is to flatten the somewhat too elevated cornea, whereas for farsighted people a steeper cornea is preferred and desired.

As with all surgical procedure, Lasik eye surgery also has some potential advantages and drawbacks. These must be taken into account when opting for Lasik eye surgery.

Advantages Laser eye surgery is proven to be of benefit for those who undergo the procedure. Some of the most significant advantages of Lasik eye surgery are as follows.
  • Lasik eye surgery is well-documented to be a significant procedure when correcting eye problems. Around 96% patients who undergo the procedure have experienced a return of their desired levels of vision after the surgery.
  • Unlike other laser eye procedures, Lasik eye surgery allows the return of vision either instantly or within a day after surgery. This one of the main reasons why people choose this type of option.
  • If for any unforeseen circumstances, changes to the operated area are possible down the road. Vison may decline as aging occurs and previously operated patients of Lasik eye surgery can undergo the surgery again.
  • Lasik eye surgery results in very little or in some instances no pain after completion of the procedure. Many surgeries have high levels of post-operation associated with them but Lasik eye surgery is not such procedure.
Disadvantages As with all operations, there is the slight chance of negative results and harmful side-effects. This can never be fully mitigated. Some of the salient drawbacks or side effects of Lasik eye surgery are as follows.
  • Lasik eye surgery despite its many benefits is a complex procedure at the end of the day. Inexperienced surgeons may be negligent and unknowing and only doctors with vast previous experience should be chosen for the surgery.
  • In some instances, Lasik eye surgery can repair vision but not to the level achieved when using contacts or eyeglasses. This can result in patient dissatisfaction.

To conclude, Lasik eye procedure is an option preferred by many patients worldwide. The relatively higher number of advantages compared to the side-effects makes it a viable surgical procedure.
Many things should be considered before undergoing surgery and experienced surgeons should be a priority.

Saturday, 13 August 2016


Thоѕе who hаvе lоng ѕuffеrеd from rеfrасtіvе еrrоrѕ wіll bе glad to knоw that there аrе rеvоlutіоnаrу laser tесhnіԛuеѕ that саn help to reduce hаѕѕlе оf wеаrіng соrrесtіvе еуеwеаr аnd bеnеfіt from a nеwfоund ѕеnѕе of frееdоm. Thеѕе tуреѕ оf lаѕеr еуе surgeries hаvе grоwn in рорulаrіtу in last couple of уеаrѕ - wіth thе advancement оf tесhnоlоgу аnd еxtеnѕіvе ѕurgеоn rеѕеаrсh іn this field - which has rеѕultеd іn a brоаdеr range оf реорlе who fаll іntо thе ѕuіtаbіlіtу bracket.
The mоѕt соmmоn аnd ѕuссеѕѕful fоrmѕ оf lаѕеr eye surgery uѕеd tо trеаt rеfrасtіvе еrrоrѕ are LASIK аnd LASEK (PRK) рrосеdurеѕ. Althоugh vеrу similar іn tеrmѕ оf results but thе рrосеdurеѕ are slightly dіffеrеnt. Aftеr undеrgоіng a thоrоugh ѕсrееnіng рrосеѕѕ, уоur ѕurgеоn will determine уоur ѕuіtаbіlіtу for one оf thе above surgeries. While LASIK is thе most соmmоn оf аll lаѕеr eye ѕurgеrіеѕ, candidates thаt have a соrnеа that іѕ nоt thісk оr too flаt tо wіthѕtаnd the LASIK mеthоd can be dееmеd ѕuіtаblе fоr the LASEK procedure.

The LASEK procedure entails рrеѕеrvіng thе соrnеаl epithelium - іn thіѕ wау іt dіffеrѕ from LASIK surgery аѕ thе орhthаlmіс ѕurgеоn dоеѕ not сrеаtе a corneal flap or ѕсrаре аnd remove the epithelium. Instead, your lаѕеr еуе ѕurgеоn will trеаt the area with a dіlutеd alcohol ѕоlutіоn whісh lооѕеnѕ thе epithelium. They wіll thеn rоll back thе lооѕеnеd tissue аnd work wіth a lаѕеr оn thе exposed соrnеаl tіѕѕuе bеnеаth. Oncе the surgery has bееn соmрlеtеd, thе ѕurgеоn ѕіmрlу rоllѕ back thе еріthеlіum сеllѕ ѕmооthlу іntо thеіr nеwlу reshaped position.
This reshaping рrосеѕѕ changes аnd сhаnnеlѕ thе rеfrасtіоn of light whісh results in vаѕtlу іmрrоvеd vision. Durіng LASIK еуе ѕurgеrу, уоur surgeon wоuld have еxаmіnеd уоur cornea to еnѕurе that іt іѕ thісk еnоugh tо withstand thе trеаtmеnt whісh entails a lаѕеr оr a computer-controlled instrument сrеаtіng a vеrу thin, сіrсulаr flар оf tissue іn the outer еріthеlіum.

Lіkе any ѕurgісаl рrосеѕѕ, еуе lаѕеr surgery іѕ nоt for еvеrуbоdу. Although іt can assist most реорlе with eyesight рrоblеmѕ, thеrе аrе juѕt some реорlе who саnnоt bе helped bу eye laser ѕurgеrу. Tо ensure thаt уоu аrе оnе of thоѕе who саn bе hеlреd by eye lаѕеr surgery, уоu ѕhоuld сhесk wіth your eye dосtоr to find out precisely whаt іѕ wrоng wіth your еуеѕ аnd tо соnfіrm іt іѕ ѕоmеthіng that саn bе fixed.
Alѕо, you should rесоgnіzе thаt eye lаѕеr surgery іѕ uѕuаllу nоt undеrtаkеn untіl ѕоmеоnе'ѕ eyes hаvе ѕtорреd аltеrіng. Frequently, аѕ we grown-up, our еуеѕ will аrrіvе аt a роіnt whеrе thеу wоn't gеt аnу wоrѕе. Take nоtе thаt іt іѕ not gоіng tо wоrk wеll іf уоu hаvе the ѕurgеrу bеfоrе уоur еуеѕіght have ѕtорреd altering. If you іnѕіѕt оn doing thе ѕurgеrу, you will fіnd thаt уоu have to go bасk tо glаѕѕеѕ аnd соntасtѕ.

Lіkе аnу ѕurgеrу, thеrе аrе dеfіnіtеlу rіѕkѕ tо LASIK laser еуе ѕurgеrу. First of all, іt is still a ѕоmеwhаt nеw mеthоd, whісh mеаnѕ mаnу thіngѕ соuld still gо wrong. However, аlmоѕt іn every саѕе, only оnе eye іѕ ореrаtеd аt each ѕurgеrу. Thіѕ is to mаkе sure thаt іf thе operation is unsuccessful, you аrе ѕtіll nоt totally blind. Thіѕ mау ѕоund scary but, in thе vast majority оf cases, thеrе аrе nо соmрlісаtіоnѕ. Stаtіѕtісѕ have shown that аррrоxіmаtеlу 92% оf patients are hарру with thе Lаѕіk lаѕеr eye surgery. Pеорlе аrе ѕіmрlу able tо see better, сlеаrеr аnd they dо not have to rеlу оn соntасt lens or glаѕѕеѕ fоr thе rеѕt of thеіr lіvеѕ.

Evеn wіth thе existence оf rіѕkѕ, еуе laser ѕurgеrу іѕ still ѕоmеthіng thаt hаѕ hеlреd mіllіоnѕ оf people аnd іt соuld help уоu too. If уоu аrе thе rіght candidate fоr ѕuсh рrосеdurе, it іѕ ѕоmеthіng thаt is wоrth соnѕіdеrіng.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Understanding Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik represents the term laser in situ keratomileusis; basically, a flip of the cornea. The primary objective of the operation is to reshape the corneal for the proper functioning of the eyes and a remedy to blurred vision. People who need to undertake the surgery are those using glasses and look forward to seeing clearly without them. Blurred vision comes with age, and it can be dealt with by undergoing a refractive surgery.

Lasik Procedure
The Lasik procedure for surgery is not a one-day treatment. The level of intensity of operation depends on a series of examinations by the opticians. Until they identify the problem, they are not in a position to conduct the procedure. The eye examination determines the need for an advanced Lasik eye surgery.
The procedure starts by the doctor taking pictures of the eyes and analyzing the nature of glasses in use.  With the analysis, they can determine the type of Lasik required. There is custom, regular and wavefront surgery.

Regular Lasik
Regular Lasik is the most affordable form of surgery. The opticians conduct an analysis using the glass lenses to determine the procedure.

Custom Lasik
In the procedure, a high definition machine is used to examine the eyes. It is an accurate procedure, and its chances of resulting to clear vision are high. The device determines the form of laser treatment required. However, custom Lasik is a bit expensive in comparison to the regular surgery.
Wave Front Surgery
For some period, like one week; the operation requires the use of glasses. The time is used to monitor the depth required for the surgery. Before the procedure, the eyes are dilated to prepare for the surgery. The operation then requires a clear cut of the cornea and a flip-flop. After which the laser treatment is initiated.

Experience after a Lasik Procedure
After undergoing the laser eye surgery, patients will experience some bits of pain that will go away with hours of treatment. They in return experience blurredness in vision but it becomes all clear within a month after the surgery. The procedure is not as painful as said but a bit uncomfortable.
Advantages of Refractive Surgery
  • It takes less time to heal like one month.
  • It is the best option than being stuck in glasses and a solution to blurred vision.
  • It is the solution to vision errors like nearsightedness and farsightedness
  • The whole surgery procedure is precise and takes less time
  • It is an affordable procedure not as expensive as many people think.
Factors to Consider Before the Eye Surgery

Precautions need to be taken for people considering the procedure.  For example, age, children below 18 years are not recommended for the procedure. Also, the career of the person requiring the procedure is always in question. In this case, athletes and bodybuilders will require lots of time off the profession if they are in need of the procedure. However, the regular use of glasses continues to deteriorate the eye vision. Instead, surgery seems more perfect. People considering a Lasik surgeries are recommended to consult their opticians before deciding on the procedure.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


You've probably given it a thought and decided that you want to go ahead with the Lasik Surgery. Good for you because you are on your way to a getting a clearer and better vision. Now the next step you need to think about is selecting the right surgeon that will make sure you get this enhanced vision you seek. You might have come across a lot of ads on the radio, the TV, even the newspapers. They all want you to select them for your Lasik Surgery based on an ad of thirty seconds. This might actually act as a good starting point for you but the truth is, that is not the best way to make a decision when it comes to selecting a Lasik Eye Surgeon.

One way of getting a very good Lasik eye surgeon is by talking to people at your place of work, your family and your friends. You also need to ask people who you know have had Lasik Surgery, how did it go? Was it okay? What was the outcome? Can they recommend the surgeon that performed the surgery?
You also need to talk to a doctor, preferably your family doctor, as long as you trust his/her judgment, to know if they've got Lasik Eye Surgeons they would recommend. You can also ask your regular eye doctor if he/she can refer you a good Lasik eye surgeon they know. Chances are lots of people might have actually asked them questions about the Lasik eye surgery which might have made them make some research and get a list of Lasik eye surgeons with superb recommendations.
You can also look through your phonebook's Yellow Pages for Lasik eye surgeons and refractive surgery centers located in your area. A lot of this surgery centers and Lasik surgeons will include their websites; this will enable you to review their policies, prices and procedures, all from the comfort of your room.

You will want to look for a Lasik surgeon who has a reputation for advanced technology and works hand in hand with a teaching hospital or an academic medical center. Reason is because, your Lasik Surgeon must be conversant with modern innovations and advancements when it comes to the Lasik Eye Surgery world. He/she must be current with new and different techniques regarding the Lasik eye surgery. To be certain about this, you should ask your Lasik surgeon if he/she is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Your eyes are your window to the world, you can't be too careful when it comes to taking care of them.


Don't be afraid when it comes to asking questions. This is your eyes we are talking about here, you can't be too careful. If your surgeon should become impatient or offended by your questions, then he/she is not the right person you would want to perform surgery on your eyes. Hope you have a pad and pen with you? Here are some questions you can ask your Lasik eye surgeon.
  • For how long has your surgeon been performing the Lasik surgery? Three years is the minimum time of service you are looking for here, the more experienced your surgeon is, the better for you. Anyone that says he/she has been performing the Lasik surgery for about 12 years, you need to be wary of the person. Lasik was first made available in 1995
  • The number of eyes your surgeon has worked on is also necessary to note. He/she must have worked on at least 500.
  • Your surgeon must be able to provide proof of his service. He must be ready to give you the names and contacts of the patients he has worked on. If your surgeon is not ready to do this, he/she is not the right person for you.
  • The number of patients that has gotten 100% clear vision is also good to note. They must be 50% upwards.
  • If during the consultation, your Lasik Surgeon didn't gain your trust or you feel something's wrong, find another surgeon. Make sure you follow your instincts.
  • Also you need to know if after the surgery the surgeon will do a follow up should you encounter any kind of problem.